TC 2: BRK Q3; 5 minutes of Charlie Munger roasting people; Buffett on risk; Spaces invite
Seeking your feedback to make this newsletter better
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I’m looking to learn from my audience, which is nearing 1,000 strong here on Substack. You’re invited to fill out a short anonymous 3-question survey, and/or join me on Twitter Spaces for an informal chat. To help with timezone challenges I plan to do one this Wednesday, Nov. 10 at 3pm EST and Friday, Nov. 12 at 9am EST. See you there, and thank you! —Adam
Some Buffett/Berkshire-related news to start your Tuesday:
Berkshire Q3 report: Summary | 10Q | CNBC Summary
Five minutes of Charlie Munger roasting people
I’m convinced Buffett and Munger have lived so long because they have so much fun.
Stay rational! —Adam