Thanks for sharing these! I really miss OID.

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Awesome, Adam & Helen! The OID pre-dates my BRK investing but I have heard many including WEB speak highly of it. Agree with your commentary that with repetition of the letters, writings and meetings, I still get Ahhhh moments after all these years. Now that Charlie has passed, I may even more appreciate the wisdom he has so freely shared with us all. I’m sure I will tell kids & grandkids I was blessed to have seen the stoic sage live in Omaha a couple times. Thank you and R.I.P. Dear Charlie. See you in Omaha.

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OID was great. I finally subscribed to it shortly before it sadly disappeared. Thanks for posting these issues with Charlie.

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OID was great! Missed that old days. And always be fascinating with Charlie Munger pick (that we did the deep dive in one of our articles: https://ghginvest.substack.com/p/the-99-year-old-bet-charlie-mungers) that doubled in less than the year, a week before he passed away.

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thank you. ahhhhh. the days about reading about ihop and rbk in oid are missed!!

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You're welcome!

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I misplaced my 20 plus issues of OID. I have been looking for them for years in the internet. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.

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